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orthim Beteiligungs GmbH
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Geschäftsführer: Ulrich Pflüger, Michael Pflüger
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orthim GmbH & Co. KG
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Icon Schild mit Virus - https://www.flaticon.com/de/kostenlose-icons/immunsystem

© fotolia.com: See mit Bergen und Frau auf Schaukel - anyaberkut, Ältere Frau mit Seil - Robert Kneschke, Junge Frau mit roten Haaren - contrastwerkstatt

© photocase.com: Frau mit bunten Haar und Blatt - laubatt, Frau mit Seifenblasen - greycoast, Frau liegend auf grüner Wiese - axelbueckert, Frau auf Schaukel - like.eis.in.the.sunshine, Frau mit Sommersprossen und Lolli - esmaque, Dalmatiner auf Treppe - dreidreieins fotografie

 g, sedentary lifestyle, compulsive overeating. Obese woman laying on sofa with smartphone eating chips ; © Vadym - stock.adobe.com

Close up of woman hands using lancet on finger to check blood sugar level by Glucose meter using as Medicine, diabetes, glycemia, health care and people ; © Montri - stock.adobe.com

Young man suffering from back pain at home; © Pixel-Shot - stock.adobe.com

Hip, back and spinal problems in young ages ; © astrosystem - stock.adobe.com

Hip, back and spinal problems in young ages ; © astrosystem - stock.adobe.com

Businessman suffering from neck pain in office ; © Pixel-Shot - stock.adobe.com

Young man suffering from back pain at home; © Pixel-Shot - stock.adobe.com

Young man suffering from back pain at home ; © Pixel-Shot - stock.adobe.com

Hip, back and spinal problems in young ages; © astrosystem - stock.adobe.com

Healthy low carbs products. Ketogenic diet; © Yulia Furman - stock.adobe.com

Collage representing young man with pain at different body parts ; © triocean - stock.adobe.com

Running stretching. Athlete at the top of the mountain  ; © LMproduction - stock.adobe.com

Woman hands making a heart shape on her stomach, healthy bowel degestion, probiotics for gut health, International Day of Sign Languages ; © sewcream - stock.adobe.com

Abdomen balance beauty belly body bodycare button; © BillionPhotos.com - stock.adobe.com

Intestinal villi. Small finger-like projections that extend into the lumen of the small intestine. Gut bacteria, flora, microbiome. 3d illustration.; © Anatomy Insider - stock.adobe.com

Female is holding figures of heart and intestines. Summer breakfast with organic yogurts fruits, berries and nuts. Nutrition that promotes good digestion and functioning of gastrointestinal tract ; © Monstar Studio - stock.adobe.com
Green shopping bag with variety of fresh organic vegetables isol ; © monticellllo - stock.adobe.com

Bewegungschmerzen: Silhouette mit Skelett und Gelenkschmerzen ; © ag visuell - stock.adobe.com

 Joggerin dehnt ihren Rücken ; © DDRockstar - stock.adobe.com

child and adult holding red heart with stethoscope, heart health, health insurance concept ; © sewcream - stock.adobe.com

Hot tea for colds, pills and handkerchiefs ; © Africa Studio - stock.adobe.com

Running  ; © chalabala - stock.adobe.com

Woman coughing and blowing her nose in autumn ; © Dirima - stock.adobe.com

Donna a letto assonnata, sonno al mattino o stress ; © ALDECAstudio - stock.adobe.com

Women's hands are scratching allergy to red rash on white background; © Phawat - stock.adobe.com

3d rendered medically accurate illustration of the human nervous system ; © SciePro - stock.adobe.com

a rainy day ; © Ingo Bartussek - stock.adobe.com

Trigger finger. Woman painful finger due to prolonged use of keyboard and mouse on white background ; © kamolrat - stock.adobe.com

Diabetic girl leading healthy lifestyle; © Photographee.eu - stock.adobe.com

 Close up woman stomachache with toilet in the morning, health care concept, selective focus ; © mraoraor - stock.adobe.com

Woman with hot water bottle healing stomach pain; © Kaspars Grinvalds - stock.adobe.com

Woman Receiving An Acupuncture Therapy; © Andrey Popov - stock.adobe.com

Behandlung von Nackenbeschwerden; © Ralf Geithe - stock.adobe.com

Junge Frau hat Schnupfen im Herbst ; © DDRockstar - stock.adobe.com

Frau mit Bauchschmerzen, Magenschmerzen - woman abdominal pain; © absolutimages - stock.adobe.com

Woman having knee pain ; © WavebreakmediaMicro - stock.adobe.com

Sad woman crying on the street; © dusanpetkovic1 - stock.adobe.com

 Senior woman visiting endocrinologist in clinic, closeup. Diabetes diet.; © New Africa - stock.adobe.com

close up of hands making injection by insulin pen; © Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com

Legs walking; © koszivu - stock.adobe.com

Face of a beautiful woman with dry skin and magnifier ; © Alessandro Grandini - stock.adobe.com

Flat lay composition with different body care products and space for text on white background; © New Africa - stock.adobe.com

 A young boy with a red rash on his cheeks and lips holds an oranges in his hands. Healh care and medicine concept. ; © Slepitssskaya - stock.adobe.com

Boy scratching his face. Human skin, presenting an allergic reaction, allergic rash on face and lips.; © Slepitssskaya - stock.adobe.com

Dermatologist doctor doing treatment, male patient with allergic rash dermatitis eczema skin, Skin diseases.; © Ольга Тернавская - stock.adobe.com

Woman taking sample of her diabetic daughter's blood using lancet pen at home; © Africa Studio - stock.adobe.com

3d rendered medically accurate illustration of a mans nervous system; ©Sebastian Kaulitzki - stock.adobe.com

Frau trägt Salbe bei Ekzem an der Ellenbeuge auf "; © Ulrich-Zillmann.de- stock.adobe.com

Folk remedies for colds isolated on white; © Africa Studio - stock.adobe.com

a woman is very sick "; © auremar - stock.adobe.com

Sick woman with flu, cold, fever and cough sitting on couch at home. Ill person blowing nose and sneezing with tissue and handkerchief. Woolen socks and medicine. Infection in winter. Resting on sofa.; © terovesalainen - stock.adobe.com

herpes virus; © mathagraphics - stock.adobe.com

herpes on the lips; © deviddo - stock.adobe.com

Man check blood pressure monitor and heart rate monitor with digital pressure gauge. Health care and Medical concept "; ©Photo Sesaon - stock.adobe.com

woman holding red heart, health insurance, donation charity concept, world health day, world mental health day, world heart day, foster care, gratitude, kind, thankful, hope, all lives matter, concept ; ©sewcream - stock.adobe.com

Woman with calf feeling pain on white background ; ©jayzynism - stock.adobe.com

cropped shot of woman holding paper crafted liver in hands on blue background; © LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com

Young woman watching the beautiful landscape of the lake between mountains  ; © FrediRomero - stock.adobe.com

Woman spreading arms in the forest ; ©StockPhotoPro - stock.adobe.com

Young girl walking on the railway. Woman in pink dress walking on railroad tracks; ©benevolente - stock.adobe.com

vitamin;  b;  c;  d;  e;  nutrition;  nutritionist;  b12;  care;  chemical;  chemistry;  diet;  facts;  food;  health;  healthcare;  healthy;  medical;  medicine;  nutritional;  science;  scientific;  supplements;  a;  k;  supplement;  complex;  dieting;  capsules;  b2;  b3;  b1;  wooden;  wood;  blocks;  concept;  word;  text;  alphabet;  cubes;  symbol;  sign;  "; ©gustavofrazao - stock.adobe.com

Healthy food selection with fruits, vegetables, seeds, superfood, cereals on gray background; ©Alexander Raths - stock.adobe.com

papaya;  pineapple;  fruit;  tropical;  ripe;  food;  dessert;  sweet;  agriculture;  ananas;  background;  breakfast;  color;  cool;  cut;  delicious;  diet;  exotic;  fiber;  fresh;  freshness;  half;  halved;  health;  healthy;  juice;  juicy;  natural;  nutrition;  orange;  organic;  papain;  pawpaw;  portion;  pulp;  raw;  refreshing;  section;  shell;  smoothie;  summer;  table;  tasty;  thailand;  vegan;  vegetarian;  veggie;  vitamin;  wooden;  yellow;  "; ©svf74 - stock.adobe.com

apotheke;  seniorin;  apothekerin;  arzneimittel;  einkauf;  frau;  kundin;  verkaufen;  medikamente;  kosten;  kaufen;  medizin;  gesundheit;  geld;  verkauf;  euro;  zahlen;  bezahlen;  geldschein;  krankenkasse;  krankenversicherung;  ausgaben;  gesundheitswesen;  beratung;  pharmazeut;  krankheit;  kompetenz;  arbeit;  arbeiten;  service;  grauhaarig;  alter;  älter;  dame;  pharmazie;  regal;  kittel;  weiß;  geschäft;  handel;  pharma;  mensch;  person;  rothaarig;  heilmittel;  selbstsicher;  freundlich;  fachkraft;  kaukasier;  jung;  20-30;  20s;  "; ©contrastwerkstatt - stock.adobe.com

Senior couple running outdoor; © Rido - stock.adobe.com

A man holds the liver. Pain in the abdomen. Cirrhosis of the liver. Sore point highlighted in red. Closeup. Isolated; © OBprod - stock.adobe.com

Frische Artischoken; ©karepa - stock.adobe.com

Portrait of smiling senior woman kneeling while planting flowers ; ©wavebreak3 - stock.adobe.com

Autumn leaves floating on the water surface; ©tilialucida - stock.adobe.com

Rock climbing on vertical flat wall - Stock image; ©serhiipanin - stock.adobe.com

Blue umbrella under heavy rain against cloudy sky background. Rainy weather concept.; Copyright:Julia Sudnitskaya

Woman applies cream on dry elbow.People, healthcare and medicine concept ; ©Aleksej - stock.adobe.com

Donna con guancia arrossata e dolore denti ; ©Aldeca Productions - stock.adobe.com

Young couple jogging at the woods.Green environment. ; © SolisImages - stock.adobe.com

Portrait of loving senior couple; © goodluz - stock.adobe.com

Mature woman in yoga pose; © Rido - stock.adobe.com

Christmas holidays ornament flat lay;  Christmas card background "; © Konstiantyn - stock.adobe.com

Doctor Checking Blood Pressure Of A Patient "; © Andrey Popov - stock.adobe.com

脹脛をマッサージする女性 ; © kei907 - stock.adobe.com

Hiking couple walking in forest wearing backpacks "; ©  Jacob Lund - stock.adobe.com

spoon with dietary supplements on fruits background; ©  ronstik - stock.adobe.com

girl is climbing on the wall in the training room; ©   ?rtranq - stock.adobe.com

Happy elder couple enjoying time together at home; ©   Yakobchuk Olena - stock.adobe.com

Excessive sugar consumption concept - female drinking from glass with sugar cubes, blue background; © anaumenko - stock.adobe.com

Dietary supplement capsules for the elderly; © Mushroom House - stock.adobe.com

maitake mushrooms isolated on white background; © akepong - stock.adobe.com

Black pepper grains on white background. Natural spice; ©   New Africa - stock.adobe.com

Para nuts isolated on a white background; ©  george3973 - stock.adobe.com

Shiitake mushroom isolated on white background; ©  A_Skorobogatova - stock.adobe.com

banana; ©  bergamont - stock.adobe.com

red pepper isolated on white background; ©  Natika - stock.adobe.com

avocado; ©   bergamont - stock.adobe.com

Heap of peeled pumpkin seeds isolated on white; ©  boomeart - stock.adobe.com

Root Withania somnifera, known commonly as ashwagandha, Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry or winter cherry.; ©  spline_x - stock.adobe.com

Curcuma rhizome isolated on white background.; © wasanajai  - stock.adobe.com

Red tomatoes with cut isolated on white; © Serhiy Shullye - stock.adobe.com

green tea leaf on white background ; © watkung  - stock.adobe.com

Man suffering from pain in hand or elbow , health care concept; ©  anut21ng Stock - stock.adobe.com

Happy couple in love smiling with open face mask - New normal lifestyle and relationship concept with young people on positive mood after lockdown reopening - Bright backlight filter; ©  Mirko Vitali - stock.adobe.com

Indian pennywort, brain tonic herbal plant.; ©  areeya_ann - stock.adobe.com

Professional triathlete swimming in river's open water. Man wearing swim equipment practicing triathlon on the beach in summer's day. Concept of healthy lifestyle, sport, action, motion and movement.; © master1305 - stock.adobe.com

Set of cartoon character virus, bacteria and disease in flat vector illustration isolated on white background. Disease collection pack in many posture and emotions style. ; ©   kittisan - stock.adobe.com

Running soccer player on grass; © BillionPhotos.com - stock.adobe.com

Young woman with headache; ©  sebra - stock.adobe.com

Happy senior couple at home; ©   pikselstock - stock.adobe.com

Immune system vector illustration. Concept with connected icons related to immunity against disease and virus infections, healthy lifestyle, prevention and defense against illnesses.; ©  j-mel - stock.adobe.com

Running together; ©  pressmaster - stock.adobe.com

Juicy and fresh blueberries with green leaves in wooden bowl; © Subbotina Anna  - stock.adobe.com

Woman enjoying summer; © Rido - stock.adobe.com

girl and her mother are washing hands; ©   Konstantin Yuganov - stock.adobe.com

A beautiful couple in their thirties walks on the beach; ©  jackfrog - stock.adobe.com

Bundle set of vector colorful watercolor backgrounds for business card or flyer template; ©   Eva Kali - stock.adobe.com

Christmas background with wooden decorations and candles. Free space for text.; ©   Jag_cz - stock.adobe.com

Bengal light in new year or silvester night on blurred deep blue background ; ©   igradesign - stock.adobe.com

Healthy lifestyle - people riding bicycles in city park; ©   Jacek Chabraszewski - stock.adobe.com

Mother and her little sons hiking trough forest .They learning about nature.; ©   BalanceFormCreative - stock.adobe.com

Attractive Asian woman sitting on bed have a bladder pain.; © sopradit  - stock.adobe.com

Modern toilet bowl near white wall in bathroom; ©   New Africa - stock.adobe.com

Hände auf Bauch; © abasler - stock.adobe.com

Probiotic rich foods; © bit24  - stock.adobe.com

senior man with glucometer checking blood sugar; ©  Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com

Calorie counting and food with labels concept; ©udra11  - stock.adobe.com

ill man and mug with word grippe, flu in french; ©  nito - stock.adobe.com

Fall immune system booster - ginger and turmeric tea and ingredients; © anaumenko - stock.adobe.com

Happy mother and daughter jogging together outdoors in park.; ©  hedgehog94 - stock.adobe.com

Concept of back pain. A wooden figure depicts a pain in the back.; ©Alrandir - stock.adobe.com

Crop close up of injured man with bandage on broken arm. Pain in hand. Unhealthy guy wear splint sling having elbow or wrist injury have rehabilitation process. Healthcare and rehab concept. ; ©Studio Romantic - stock.adobe.com

Man touching his fat belly on grey background ; ©Yeti Studio - stock.adobe.com

atopic dermatitis newborn feet eczema; ©  Luca Lorenzelli - stock.adobe.com

Active senior woman doing back exercise on floor at home; © Prostock-studio - stock.adobe.com

Young graceful ballerina girl balancing on stone in the river.; © benevolente - stock.adobe.com

Psoriasis Vulgaris, psoriatic skin disease in hair, skin patches are typicaly red, itchy, and scaly, macro with narrow focus; © lunarts_studio - stock.adobe.com

Senior woman with arthritis rubbing hands ; © pikselstock - stock.adobe.com

Woman Applying Moisturising Creme on Her Fingers; © LStockStudio - stock.adobe.com

Light treatment with an ultra-violet comb. Psoriasis, eczema, phototherapy; © Evgeniy Kalinovskiy - stock.adobe.com

Healthy foods high in potassium. A variety of legumes, salmon, fruits, vegetables, dried apricots, seaweed chuka and nuts on a dark background. Top view, flat lay. ; © Yulia - stock.adobe.com

Woman with rash or papule and scratchon her arm from allergies,Health allergy skin care problem; ©gballgiggs - stock.adobe.com

fat man with big belly have stomach pain risk of colon cancer esophageal cancer and stomach cancer, fatty liver, diabetes, high blood pressure angina Hyperlipidemia. concept of the dangers of obesity. ; © SUPERMAO - stock.adobe.com

Young woman over isolated pink background with confuse face expression ; © luismolinero - stock.adobe.com

natürliche Frau unzufrieden; © nicole_huber - stock.adobe.com

Skin infected Herpes zoster virus. Herpes Virus on body. urticaria rash. atopic dermatitis on body; © sashka1313 - stock.adobe.com

Shopping discount freedom inspiration concept. Panoramic photo collage of eight funny funky crazy motivated diverse shiny emotional energetic group human person running to dream isolated background ; ©deagreez - stock.adobe.com

Zen stones in water on widescreen; ©dampoint - stock.adobe.com

Lignum vitae or Guaiacum officinale flower isolated on white background with clipping path. "; © wasanajai - stock.adobe.com

Marigold - Calendula Officinalis Isolated On White Background; ©Nenov Brothers  - stock.adobe.com

ヨーグルト ; ©  NOBU - stock.adobe.com

Human brain digital x-ray 3D rendering; © sdecoret - stock.adobe.com

Young Asian woman having earache or ear pain isolated over blue background - Healthcare and Medical concept; © twinsterphoto - stock.adobe.com

Neurons abstract background; © Leigh Prather - stock.adobe.com

Surgeon hand hold scalpel and tweezers; ©  megaflopp - stock.adobe.com

Close-up medical syringe with a vaccine; © weyo - stock.adobe.com

Behandlung von Nackenbeschwerden; ©  Ralf Geithe - stock.adobe.com

Synapse and Neuron Cells; ©  freshidea stock.adobe.com

Hand With Cool Gel Pack On Shoulder; © Andrey Popov - stock.adobe.com

Woman Receiving An Acupuncture Therapy ; © Andrey Popov - stock.adobe.com